
Thanks for taking the time to learn a little more about me.

I am a Christian minister who also runs for a hobby. I started running in summer 2012 as a way to get healthy and fell in love with the sport.

I am a Half Fanatic (HF#15055)

I am a member of Team RWB, Team 80/20 Endurance, & Orange Mud Dirt Unit.

I hope you enjoy learning more about my journey of running.


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6 thoughts on “About

  1. I like to fell in love in the same hobby but I need more nudging away from blogging 🙂
    Thanks for liking my post Rev.


  2. I love that you’re a minister that runs! Cool. Have you thought to create a race a church? Or some kind of fitness movement for your congregation?


  3. Thanks for following my blog and though running is not my thing, I did look over at your other blog and look forward to reading some of the posts you have there when I get a chance, you have some things that I would be very interested in looking over in more depth.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I like your blog! Mine’s all about leisure and life balances which, of course involve fitness. My pastor is a former ice hockey player and used to smash ice bricks with his head in his early days of ministry. Cheers to active and fit clergy!

    Liked by 1 person

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